Tuesday, August 2, 2011


After departing from the farm we hopped several buses, boats, and tuk-tuks on our journey to Lao. Our first stop in this stunning country is the town of Nam Tham; a mecca for travelers looking for treks through the mountains and jungles that surround it.

With many options to choose from we opted for a two-day trip that brought us to a village of a Lao minority group called the Akah. Throughout the journey we took in some incredible views, inadvertently fed some leeches, and learned about medicinal jungle plants.

 Enjoying our picnic lunch including sticky rice, pickled eggplant, and bananas. Yum!

Lunch break with our group! Please notice that the guide on the far right was wearing white skinny jeans and flip flops as he wielded a machete and led us through the jungle. We were impressed to say the least.

A view of the village that hosted us over night.

Laura resting
Hilary posing by a rice paddy.

Jumping a bus to Luang Prabang!


Enjoying a baguette for breakfast at our favorite cafe:)

We're excited to fill you in on Viet Nam soon!

Happy Trails,


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